Easy no-bake, peanut butter pumpkin dog treats

Easy no-bake, peanut butter pumpkin dog treats


No bake, peanut butter dog treats

These easy, no-bake peanut butter dog treats are fun and your pup will love them! 
Prep Time25 mins
Total Time25 mins
Course: Snack
Keyword: dog treats, easy, no bake, peanut butter, pumpkin
Servings: 4 dogs


  • 1/2 Cup Peanut butter Natural (no added sugar)
  • 1 Cup Pure pumpkin, canned NOT pumpkin pie filling
  • 1 TBSP Honey
  • 2 1/2 Cups Oats


  • Combine all ingredients except one cup of the oats (hold that aside for some fun in a few minutes!)
  • With your hands, roll into bite-sized balls (doggie bites, that is!) This is a perfect job for kids. Keep 'em busy!
  • Roll balls in the remaining oats so they are covered with them all pretty like.
  • Serve!

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